Publication: Cryptic intermediates and metastable states of proteins as predicted by OneG computational method
Understanding structural excursions of proteins under folding conditions is crucial to map energy landscapes of proteins. In the present study, OneG computational tool has been used for analyzing possible existence of cryptic intermediates and metastable states of 26 proteins for which three prerequisite inputs of the OneG such as atomic coordinates of proteins, free energy of unfolding (DGU) and free energy of exchange (DGHX) determined in the absence of denaturant were available during the course of the study. The veraciousness of the tool on predicting the partially folded states of the proteins has been comprehensively described using experimental data available for 15 of the 26 proteins. Meanwhile, possible existence of partially structured states in the folding pathways of 11 other proteins has also been delineated as predicted by the OneG. In addition to mapping the folding pathways of proteins, the salient merits of the tool on systematically addressing the discrepancy between the DGU and the DGHX of the proteins have also been dealt.
Cryptic intermediates, Free energy, Metastable states, Native folding, OneG