Cross-Nation Comparison of Oral Cancer in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: an Ecological Overview
Eastern Mediterranean (EM) region countries include countries from the Mediterranean region and North Africa representing regions with wide variations in their politics, economy, peaceful status, and healthcare infrastructure. Commonly known lip and oral cancer risk factors such as consumption of tobacco and alcohol are widely prevalent in the region. Globocan data suggests that age-standardized incidence rates and age-adjusted mortality rates are higher in the region compared to world averages whereas 1-, 2-, and 3-year prevalence proportions are lower. These statistical profiles are generally similar for men and women. Within the region, in general, incidence, mortality, and prevalence is greater in men than women. However, there are important differences in overall incidence, prevalence, and mortality; differences between genders in these statistics which vary between countries. This manuscript describes and compares oral cancer statistics of the countries in the EM region.