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dc.contributor.authorZaki, Mohammed Nagdi
dc.contributor.authorGheewale, Aafia
dc.contributor.authorAbd Elrahman, Ibrahim
dc.description.abstractBackground: An adenomyoma is a well circumscribed form of adenomyosis and can be located within the myometrium, in the endometrium as a polyp, or extrauterine with the last being the rarest presentation amongst the three. With the ongoing advancement in gynecological surgery, the use of electromechanical morcellators have made the removal of large and dense specimens possible with minimally invasive techniques. However, it has also caused an increase in complications which were previously rare. Whilst the tissue is being grinded within the abdominal cavity, residual tissue can spread and remain inside, allowing for implantation to occur and thereby giving rise to recurrence of uterine tissue as a new late postoperative complication. Case presentation A 45-year-old woman presented with worsening constipation and right iliac fossa pain. Her past surgical history consists of laparoscopic supra-cervical hysterectomy that was indicated due to uterine fbroids. Computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging were done, which showed an irregular lobulated heterogeneous mass seen in the presacral space to the right, located on the right lateral aspect of the recto-sigmoid, measuring 4.5×4.3×4.3 cm in size. A transvaginal ultrasound revealed a cyst in the left ovary. The patient had a treatment course over several months that included Dienogest (progestin) and Goserelin (GnRH analogue) with add-back therapy. In line with the declining response to medications, the patient was advised for a laparoscopic ovarian cystectomy. During the surgery, an additional lesion was found as a suspected fbroid and the left ovarian cyst was identifed as pockets of peritoneal fuid which was sent for cytology. The surgical pathology report confrmed adenomyosis in both specimens, namely the right mass and the initially suspected fbroid. Conclusion: In this case report, we showcase a rare occurrence of an extrauterine adenomyoma presenting two years post laparoscopic morcellation at hysterectomy. This poses questions regarding the benefts versus risks of power morcellation in laparoscopic hysterectomyen_US
dc.subjectExtrauterine adenomyomaen_US
dc.subjectLaparoscopic hysterectomyen_US
dc.subjectCase reporten_US
dc.titleLate presentation of extrauterine adenomyomas after laparoscopic morcellation at hysterectomy: a case reporten_US

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