Publication: Serum sonic hedgehog (SHH) and interleukin-(IL-6) as dual prognostic biomarkers in progressive metastatic breast cancer
Serum from one hundred and ten breast cancer patients and thirty healthy female volunteers, were prospectively collected and evaluated for serum levels of Shh and IL-6 using human Shh and IL-6 specific enzyme-linked immunoassays. All patients were regularly monitored for event free survival (EFS) and overall survival (OS). Overall outcome analysis was based on serum Shh and IL-6 levels. In patients with progressive metastatic BC, both serum Shh and IL-6 concentrations were elevated in 44% (29 of 65) and 63% (41 of 65) of patients, respectively, at a statistically significant level [Shh (p = 0.0001) and IL-6 (p = 0.0001)] compared to the low levels in healthy volunteers. Serum levels tended to increase with metastatic progression and lymph node positivity. High serum Shh and IL-6 levels were associated with poor EFS and OS opposite to the negative or lower levels in serum Shh and IL-6. The elevated levels of both serum Shh and IL-6 were mainly observed in BC patients who had a significantly higher risk of early recurrence and bone metastasis, and associated with a worse survival for patients with progressive metastatic BC. Further studies are warranted for validating these biomarkers as prognostic tools in a larger patient cohort and in a longer follow-up study.
Interleukin (IL-6), Metastatic, Breast cancer (BC)