Nowotny, Norbert2021-03-232021-03-232017-10204-2017.35 Between July and August 2017, seven of 12,047 blood donations from eastern Austria, reacted positive to West Nile virus (WNV) in the cobas test (Roche). Follow-up investigations revealed Usutu virus (USUV) nucleic acid in six of these. Retrospective analyses of four blood donors diagnosed as WNV-infected in 2016 showed one USUV positive. Blood transfusion services and public health authorities in USUV-endemic areas should be aware of a possible increase of human USUV infections.enUsutu virusBlood donorsAustriaAwarenessDiagnostic challengesUsutu virus infections among blood donors, Austria, july and august 2017 – Raising awareness for diagnostic challengesArticle